Monday, May 23, 2022

Dragon's Treasure Cover Jigsaw Puzzle

Dragon's Treasure Puzzle 

Dragon's Treasure Cover Puzzle

As I have with my other book covers, I have created an online jigsaw puzzle for Dragon's Treasure.

Online puzzles are great. You can't lose the pieces. You can do the puzzle as many times as you want to. And, you can explore the site for even more puzzles.

I'm not the only author who does this. As of the last search, there are 4,139 book cover puzzles on

I did a search for book covers to get that number of results.

Everything from nursery rhymes to first readers to comic books to romances to science fiction to fantasy to classics and more! There's bound to be a puzzle you will enjoy putting together. 


Take care and stay safe,

Lynn's signature

Three books in the Texas Ranch Wolf Pack Series
Texas Ranch Wolf Pack Series

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