Wednesday, August 19, 2020

New Tala Ridge Alpha Jigsaw Puzzle

 Tala Ridge Alpha: New Puzzle

Just a quick announcement that the new Tala Ridge Alpha jigsaw puzzle is now available on

Since so many of my readers enjoy the online jigsaw puzzles, I try to make sure each cover and each revised cover is available as a puzzle.


Other News

I'm still working on the sequel to this story, Tala Ridge Storm. Sometimes, it takes a while for the story to gel in my mind.

However, with the addition of new characters related to characters in the previous book, Tala Ridge Alpha, I think the plot is coming together nicely.

I hope you and your family are doing well during this continuing health crisis.

Take care,

Texas Ranch Wolf Pack Series

Thursday, August 13, 2020

My Wolf Mousepad

My New Carolsmousepads Wolf Mousepad 

As an independent author, I have an office set up in my home. My office equipment and supplies have been collected over the past twenty-plus years. I don't tend to get rid of anything that is still useful, so I have things I've had for many years. For instance, I've had the same Brother printer since 2006. It's no longer available, but I can still get ink for it, so...

My computers get upgraded every two to three years. Other stuff, not so frequently. After our move in January, I had to have a new desk. The old one wasn't in shape to make the move.

Rather than paying hundreds for the desk I really wanted, I opted to have a folding table. It works and saved lots of money. The only problem is that the table is solid black.

My previous tables/desks had faux wood surfaces, so I didn't need a mousepad. Since I purchased this table, though, I've fought with my mouse not wanting to work.

Lion Mousepad

Reader Emails

I do read emails from my readers. Recently, I noticed that one of my readers, Carol Beddow, had a link to her Etsy site in the signature on her email. Curious, I visited her online shop and loved the images of the mousepads she makes. 

She gifted me the beautiful mousepad that was my favorite (see the photo at top), with an image of white wolves on a blue background.

I am impressed with the quality and asked her to answer some questions. I also asked permission to spotlight her product on my blog. 

First, let me tell you that I am not an affiliate for her shop and do not earn anything if you purchase from her. However, I love her products. I am sincerely considering ordering some of her mousepads for gifts. It will be hard to decide which to order, though. She has so many gorgeous designs!

Carolsmousepads: An Online Store

Carol Beddow is the owner of Carolsmousepads, an Etsy store where she sells her creations. Carol graciously agreed to answer some questions for the blog.

This dragon reminds me of Magnus!
Questions and Answers 

Me: A lot of people make crafts using yarn and fabric, but this is the first time I've seen mousepads created by an individual. Where did you get the idea?

Carol: I used to make appliqued sweatshirts and I had an old mousepad (with cigars on it) that I hated.  So I experimented with the process and made some new mousepads for me.  

Me: How long have you been making mousepads?

Carol: I started off small and have been making them for about 10 years now.  

Tiger Coasters
Me: At your Etsy store, I also found coasters. Are they made similar to the mousepads?

Carol: I also make coasters with the exact same process.  (It's a heat bonding process.)

Me: Of all the mousepads you've created, which is your favorite, and why?

Carol: I have lots of favorites - wolves, tigers, cats, and dragons.

Me: Is there anything else you'd like my readers to know about you, your Etsy store, or your products?

Carol: I am in the process of putting a couple hundred more designs on my site - it just takes time to Photoshop, write a description, etc.

I also have half mousepads (4 x 8) for people with a small space.  They have been quite popular

I love finding the right mousepad that someone loves - it just makes my day.  This year, most, if not all, of my shows are canceled so I'm depending on Etsy more.  I normally do 10 - 12 shows a year.

I always tell people at my shows if they don't see something they like, shoot me a text or email and I'll see if I have it.

Me: Thank you, Carol, for sharing your CarolsMousePads products with us. 

15% Off Coupon

Carol has also provided a 15% off coupon for anyone who purchases from her site. 

Click on to get your discount!

My Recommendation

The wolf mousepad I received is well made. The fabric on the top is tightly mounted to the backing. In my opinion, it should last for a very long time. My husband was impressed, too, and is searching through her store for one for his office.

If you love shifters, or just love animals, and need a mousepad, visit Carol's Etsy Shop. You'll find a mousepad with the creatures you love. Lions, tigers, wolves, bears, dragons, cougars, eagles, and more! 

And if you need a gift, Carol has mousepads with flowers, dragonflies, cars, and landscapes (among others), too. Take a look!

More mousepads by Carol:

You can find even more designs in Carol's Etsy shop!

Take care,

Texas Ranch Wolf Pack Series

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Tala Ridge Alpha: New Cover!

Tala Ridge Alpha (Book 1)

Tala Ridge Alpha: New Cover and New Blurb!

Announcing a new cover and a new blurb for Tala Ridge Alpha

After much consideration, I decided to change the book cover for book 1. 

As in the Texas Ranch Wolf Pack Series, this cover will be the basis for future covers in the Tala Ridge Shifters series.


When two teenaged wolf shifter alphas square off, who survives?


Tala Ridge Alpha is the first book of a young adult paranormal shifter series.


First introduced in the Texas Ranch Wolf Pack series, Terrell, the teenaged alpha of the Tala Ridge Wolf Pack, faces leadership challenges he never expected.


Tala Ridge Alpha:
Large Print Edition
It's hard enough stepping into a role Terrell  wasn't prepared for, but dealing with Buck, the teenaged alpha of the outcasts, is fraught with danger.


Is the pack safe with unknown wolves sniffing around?


Will the two teen alphas find a way to work together?


Or will the past they had no part in shaping make them enemies?

When two teen alphas square off, will their packs survive?

For Comparison: Old Cover

So, what do you think? 

Old vs new, which is better? Please let me know in the comments.

The new cover is the basis for the covers in this series. 

I'll post the cover for my WIP, Tala Ridge Storm, soon.

Other News

A side-character from Tala Ridge Alpha has decided to play a bigger role in Tala Ridge Storm. Can you guess which one?

Take care,

Texas Ranch Wolf Pack Series

Friday, August 7, 2020

Wolf's Princess: Online Jigsaw Puzzle

Wolf's Princess cover puzzle
Wolf's Princess Jigsaw Puzzle

Wolf's Princess Jigsaw Puzzle

The cover of Wolf's Princess, my newest short story, is now an online jigsaw puzzle!

After receiving emails from some of my readers requesting this puzzle, I jumped into and created it.

This site provides an enormous number of free puzzles to work. And your pet can't jump on it and scatter the pieces. 

Other authors created puzzles for their book covers, and I thought they were great. 

Since discovering the site, I've created puzzles from all my current, and many of my previous, book covers.


If you haven't seen it, I have a blog post on the backstory of this short story. 

Other News

A new character has popped up in the WIP (work in progress) story Tala Ridge Storm (TRS). 

I think this character, who was mentioned in passing in Tala Ridge Alpha, and her family have a major part to play in later chapters of TRS when her brother, a Huntsman, shows up. 

If you've read the Texas Wolf Pack Series, you will know the Huntsmen believe werewolves are abominations and must be destroyed. 

Hmm. What could happen? (Twirling my imaginary mustache and chortling.)

Take care,

Texas Ranch Wolf Pack Series

Thursday, August 6, 2020

Wolf's Princess: A New Texas Ranch Wolf Pack World Short Story

Wolf's Princess: Ophelia's Adventure

Wolf's Princess
Wolf's Princess
After having trouble with the Tala Ridge Storm plot (the second book in the Tala Ridge Shifters young adult series), I took a break and wrote Wolf's Princess to clear my mind.

In Wolf's Dragon, Nate and Janelle decide to take the family to a reclusive ranch for a vacation away from everyone but their children. 

That scene stayed in my mind, teasing me with what could happen. 

Wolf's Princess was, at least in part, based on an incident from my own life.

When my daughter was young, my family went on a similar vacation, except we were in the wilderness with no one around. 

While my husband went fishing, I suddenly became ill and passed out. 

My daughter, not quite three-years-old, went searching for her father so he could help me. 

She was no Ophelia and was unable to tell the full extent of her adventures before she found him.

I woke to him being angry that I allowed our tiny tot to wander up and down a riverbank looking for him while I napped. Already ill, I didn't handle it much better than he did. 

The thought of my baby wandering in the wilderness along a fast-moving river among rattlesnakes, wild hogs, and bobcats (among other possible predators) terrified me. 

Once he realized I was sick, he apologized and took care of us both. When I felt a little better, she sat with me while her father took down our tent and packed up the camping supplies. 

Long story short: I was stung by a red wasp and had an allergic reaction. After treatment, I was fine, but the terror of (at least in my mind) almost losing my daughter kept us from camping again until she was in her teens. 

I once told my adult son that each of my gray hairs has his name microscopically written on it, but my daughter caused her fair share. 

Wolf's Princess is available on Amazon and is enrolled in Kindle Unlimited!

Wolf's Princess Blurb:

Two-year-old Princess Ophelia isn't happy.

When King Nate and Queen Janelle escape to a secluded rustic cabin for rest, relaxation, and family time, Princess Ophelia is quickly bored. 

She slips away while her parents are sleeping to chase a rabbit through the woods. 

Her adventures, worthy of a parent's gray hair, reveal abilities even her parents didn't know she had.

Other News

Since writing Wolf's Princess, I've been able to resolve at least some of the plot issues with Tala Ridge Storm, and I'm busy writing. 

Take care,

Texas Ranch Wolf Pack Series